Cession Fonds de commerce

Acquisition de fonds de commerce : modèle d’offre

Modèle d’offre d’achat de fonds de commerce.

Contract Language: English

Clause: original copies

Model clause relating to the original copies.

Contract Language: English

Clause: third parties

Model clause dealing with third parties, intended to be inserted in an autonomous international contract (contract without law).

Contract Language: English

Clause: transfer of the contract

Model clause relating to the transfer of the contract (assignment of rights).

Contract Language: English

Clause: force majeure

Model clause dealing with force majeure, intended to be inserted in an autonomous international contract (contract without law).

Contract Language: English

Clause: unforeseeable change

Model clause dealing with unforeseeable change, intended to be inserted in an autonomous international contract (contract without law).

Contract Language: English

Clause: exception of non-performance

Model clause providing for the exception of non-performance, intended to be inserted in an autonomous international contract (contract without law).

Contract Language: English

Clause: non-performance of the contract

Model clause relating to the non-performance of the contract, intended to be inserted in an autonomous international contract (contract without law).

Contract Language: English

Clause: modification of the contract

Model clause relating to the modification of the contract.

Contract Language: English

Clause: binding force of the contract

Model clause specifying the binding force of the contract, intended to be inserted in an autonomous international contract (contract without law).